*********************************************************************** SUNWISE Super Visual Measurement in 2000 Readme File *********************************************************************** =================== System Requirements =================== Basic Configuration CPU Pentium II 450 or above Main Memory 128 MB HD Free Space about 40 MB Display Card ASUS AGP-V3800 TVR W/32 MB RAM Monitor 17" Serial Port Connect to Machine and Light controler Parallel Port Connect to Printer OS Windows 98 Recommended Configuration CPU Pentium III Main Memory 128 MB HD Free Space 100 MB Display Card ASUS AGP-V8200 TVR W/64 MB RAM Monitor 19" Serial Port Connect to Machine and Light controler Parallel Port Connect to Printer OS Windows 98 ==================== Using SUNWISE SVM2000 ==================== * To execute SUNWISE SVM2000 system, please run : 1. Click SVM2000 Icon on Desk Top or Quick Launch. 2. Execute "C:\SUNWISE\SVM2000\SVM2000.exe" Assume Windows95/98 is installed on drive "C". 3. Click "Start"->"Program"->"SUNWISE"->"SVM2000"->"SVM2000" ==================== Uninstall SUNWISE SVM2000 ==================== * To uninstall SUNWISE SVM2000, please click 1. Click "Start"->"Program"->"SUNWISE"->"SVM2000"->"Uninstall SVM2000" 2 "Start"->"Setting"->"Control"->"新增/移除程式"->"SVM2000" and click "新增/移除" It will remove all registry entries and programs *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version *********************************************************************** 當機問題解決方法: 因為電腦的視訊驅動程式與螢幕保護模式的程式相衝突,所以必須將所有的螢幕保護模式關閉,否則只要螢幕保護模式一啟動,就會將電腦的視訊驅動程式損壞,而造成電腦當機。 關閉螢幕保護模式的步驟如下: 1. 請按一下 [開始],然後指向 [設定],選擇 [控制台]。 2. 在控制台視窗內,開啟 [顯示器] 視窗。 3. 在顯示器視窗內,選擇 [螢幕保護裝置] 頁面。 4. 螢幕保護裝置選擇(無),再按設定鈕,開啟[電源管理內容]視窗。 5. 將"關閉監視器"及"關閉硬碟"都選擇"永不"。 6. 完成後按確定鈕。 *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version *********************************************************************** This version add a multi-origin parameter. *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version *********************************************************************** This version add a set of light controller parameter. *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version *********************************************************************** This version Change the compensation range from 600 to 15000. *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version *********************************************************************** This version Add two menues to save and load the original data. and two buttons to go to the Horizontal Left and right point. *********************************************************************** Release Notes (Version 2004.02.21 *********************************************************************** This version Add a new Function to auto scan an arc and get it's center and radius.